PAYMENT - Bank Transfer: Bank details IBAN: IT22C0335901600100000105547 BIC (Swift) Code: BCITITMX Account Owner: Associazione Italiana Zeoliti Bank: Banca Prossima S.p.A. Branch: Branch of Milan Address: Piazza P. Ferrari 10 - I 20121 Milano After the payment send a copy of the receipt to Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo. - Pay Pal Payment: Select the kind of Registration Fee (Delegates or Young) and click on "Buy Now". - Delegated (Over 40 years old) - Young (Under 40 years old, born after 1st June 1977) Conference fee includes: Technical session access, conference material, coffee break during the conference and light lunch on Fryday 1st of September During the payment, in the "Description" indicate the Name and Surname of the partecipant. Select the Kind of Registration Fee: Delegate - Over 40 years old €200,00 EUR Young - Under 40 years old €140,00 EUR