
The conference program is composed of invited lectures, oral and short oral.presentations, no poster session will be organized. The first Programm attempt is available here.

 The length of the invited lectures, and oral presentations are as follows:

The length of the invited lectures, and oral presentations is as it follows:

- Invited lecture: 35 min

- Oral presentation: 20 min (15 minutes + 5 minutes for discussion)

- Short Oral presentation: 10 min (without discussion)

We are pleased to announce the renowned scientists who confirmed to give an invited lecture:

- Italian Scientists to be honored:

Prof. Salvatore Coluccia, Prof. Ferruccio Trifirò and Prof. Adriano Zecchina.

- International invited speakers:

Prof. Avelino Corma (IZA Ambassador), Prof. Zhong Min Liu, Prof. Natasa Zabukovec Logar.

All the speakers are invited to prepare their presentation in Microsoft PowerPoint (ppt) format. The presentations should preferably be uploaded on the computers, in the morning of the same day the presentation is given, at the latest during the coffee or lunch break before the session.